Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things To Say To Sister On Wedding Card

is similar ... and is equal

Uruguay, Sunday 25 at 19.30 local time (20.30 Chilean time) closed the polls and vote counting began. The results left bereaved and back again to mistreat those who have already been violated in military dictatorship.


Beyond the results of the presidential elections, in which the leading candidate (Frente Amplio) Jose "Pepe" Mujica has to necessarily deal in the second round to Luis Alberto Lacalle (Uruguay's former president and also goes by the Party Nacional), which has not left the cancellation to the amnesty law hits not only the Uruguayan people, but to all who believe in the memory and state terrorism must not go unpunished.

The Limitation Act or Act Impunity (as its detractors call it) is the law which states that crimes committed by military and police during the last military regime remain amnesty. Was given by the first government to return to democracy Julio Maria Sanguinetti, of the Colorado Party and National Party corredactada (also called "White").

After a hard campaign work plebiscite for the annulment of the law, on 25 April this year was presented to Parliament 340,043 signatures in support, who gave permission for the exercise of a plebiscite in conjunction with the presidential election and that was to add a pink slip by YES to cancellation in the ballot, requiring 50% plus 1 of accession to nullify the amnesty law. However, not only the numbers were negative as also the prospects for building society were put in jeopardy, enough to shed 48% of voters in favor.

In a country like Chile that situation would similar, if not equal, and even recurring, but this is where it should make more of a caveat. Uruguay has a nation-state conformation that could be much more legitimate than ours, no further than necessary on the subject, also is exemplified in the twentieth century, Uruguay had two military dictatorships, while Chile had two dictatorships, three boards military power (two with coup d'etat) and "saber rattling", ie, our case is closely linked to the military as guarantor of the "political stability", but neither is reducing the consequences militarism that hit Uruguay. Besides this, and on the same line, according to a study by The Economist Uruguay is more fully democratic country in South America that believes in the principles of non-intervention, multilateralism, respect for national sovereignty and trust in the law to resolve disputes. Adding other indices also relevant, is the country (along with Costa Rica) to more equitable distribution of income between the richest 10% and 10% poorer, in Chile the richest quintile earns 13.10 times what it receives poorest quintile, and is the most literate country in Latin America (according to the UN), which explains why Uruguay was the first worldwide to establish by law an education system Free, compulsory and secular in 1877.

In this sense, Orientals are ahead of us around several themes. This does not mean that social problems have disappeared, although many times the figures when compared with other contexts are used to create imaginary excellent efforts of the government of the day and are empirically disjointed. Now, the moment you see in other social settings, for greater participation and partnership, which has not won the YES for the annulment of a law giving amnesty to violators of Human Rights: it hurts. It hurts that impunity is validated socially, intersubjectively in a community, because not only is a violation of human rights repression, torture, kill, but so is the failure to act against violence.

On Sunday, the distaste of perceiving feel forgotten and still earn the same, not only on the shoulders was Uruguayan.

Jorge wrote:

The morning after the night of shame
I feel is a mixture of shame and disgust.
A feeling of frustration and hopelessness.
A gut reaction of nausea.
The Uruguayans yesterday we had a chance to mend the past. Re-write history. To do justice. To erase once and for all the ignominy of a perverse law.
And we had no courage. We lacked guts. We won the indifference.
Today we look in the mirror and what we see is just a perverse reflection of what could have been.
What is not We encourage you to be.
of moral bankruptcy that affects us.
would have liked to write this morning that the night was over.
we had done with impunity and that we were going to enforce the state's punitive.
That is not revenge, nor proof that we have eyes in the neck.
born of the conviction that impunity is only able to generate more state terrorism. More and more people are missing desaparecedores.
I'm ashamed and it hurts me to the soul we have not been able to show more empathy.
That indifference has won us the game.

- Added Value:

__________ * Figures and comparison Chile / Uruguay referenced in "Tied but not equal" by Alejandra Yermany, Blog "The word is the window .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Difference Between D And M Width Shoes

Sunday 25: Uruguay elects Zip Winter

Uruguay rate of calm weather
Veronica Psetizki
Less than two hours of the close of polling stations, long queues are a constant in many parts of the country. "We had no rest," says the chairman of the board at a school in the capital, while attending a voter and bites an apple mid-afternoon.

Minister of the Electoral Court, Edgardo Martinez Zimarioff, said the average voter has been higher than in previous elections. At 16.30 hours between 76 and 88% of those eligible to vote have already voted.

In a typically sunny spring Sunday, the Uruguayans took to the streets with festive cheer. Many pedestrians carry flags on their backs, hundreds of cars drive waving flags of different parties and some with the national flag.

Uncertainty about the result holds, but pollsters said they will start to provide preliminary results an hour after the close of voting at 20.30 local time.

is not certain that this Sunday the new president is elected, and that this one of the candidates would have to get over 50% of the total votes.

runoff "?

Surveys indicate that Jose" Pepe "Mujica, candidate of the ruling leftist coalition Frente Amplio (FA) is who has a better chance of winning office with an intention to vote around 45%. It is followed by Luis Alberto Lacalle, the candidate of the Partido Nacional (PN), the center-to 30%.

As the number of undecided voters remained high until the last moment, with around 7%, analysts of public opinion does not rule out a victory on Sunday Mujica.
If unsuccessful, the two leading candidates will face a runoff on Nov. 29.

what if it is defined today is the composition of the new Parliament. Along with the election of president and vice president, citizens choose 30 senators and 99 representatives comprising both houses for the period of five years beginning in February 2010.

Five parties compete for these positions: the FA and NP, we still intend to vote the Colorado Party (12%), the Independent Party (3%) and NPC (0 , 5%).

Suffrage in Uruguay is compulsory and those who do vote are likely to be punished, unless health reasons therefor or have been demonstrating outside the country.


So far there is no possibility of voting abroad, and this is precisely one of the topics on which the Uruguayans also be asked to vote on election day on Sunday.

And is that along with national elections, citizens voted in two plebiscites.

One seeks to allow the vote epistolary Uruguayans living abroad the country. The other, seeking to annul the amnesty law, passed in 1986 and endorsed in a referendum in 1989, which prevents the military and police personnel accused of committing human rights abuses during the de facto government (1973-1985) are brought to justice.

Each private room will be ready to vote on all political parties and two ballots bearing the inscription "Vote for Yes."

Those who want to agitate for the vote of the compatriots abroad should include on the ballot in white and those who want annul the amnesty law should put the pink. For each of these referendums are approved, they must also exceed 50% of the votes cast.

Massive arrival

Thousands of citizens living in countries of the region, mainly in Argentina, have been coming to Uruguay from Friday to participate in the elections.

An estimated 23,000 people have arrived by boat from Buenos Aires and at least about 15,000 enter by land.

Buquebús The shipping company sold over 18,000 tickets at a promotional price for Uruguayan who came to vote from the capital of Argentina.

As activists in the border city of Gualeguaychu, Argentina, decided not to allow the passage of the population residing in that country who would pay, those who chose to cross the Rio Uruguay with his car or bus had to use other bridges, in many cases extending its way into hundreds of kilometers.

The activists, who for nearly three years remain locked the bridge linking Gualeguaychú with Fray Bentos Uruguay to protest the installation of the Botnia paper were the target of criticism from Uruguayan citizens.

They complained about the decision not to allow themselves access and have missed a few days ago the Argentines who traveled to attend the match between Argentina and Uruguay in a World Cup soccer 2010.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pal Hi-8 Tape Players

She liked the cold, take a walk for a floe bare, cold hands usually wore, rub them was admiring view of his walking pace, exactly as chords are seen some fine instrumental song. On waking in the morning looked out the window, and a slit-q ue intentionally she half opened in the glass-let in a subtle and sharp winter cold that came in the face. He got up suddenly wanting to get out as soon as possible , enlisted and put on his coat, tried to close it and noticed that the zipper was broken, then tied co mo some snaps could quite useless also brought his coat and went out, the walk did not expect.

slid his nimble feet tapping the stairs eager to the railing and then felt the cool air on his cheeks, opened the streets to their eager eyes they pretended to devour an patiently graceful details of the city. It is dusk initiating the movement is grand streets of the capital and this overcrowding of roads discouraged its light path, recalled that he was hungry and went to a cafe looking for some miracle to feed the body. There in the distance, at the table you like most, found the eye of that s friend for some time I kept staring at her. Fluid and talked nonstop, eating was a nice excuse o p accompanied a while, time passed without noticing until the place was practically empty, had been done or evening and decided to leave.

- Aj! - She said, looking disappointed. Had tried to close the shelter or, forgetting that his zipper was damaged.

- Are you okay? - Asked him, was available zipper helper and she tells ba with a funny face of apathy.

He replied with a smile and laughed, poorly ed April quickly backpack he was carrying, pulled out a small pair of pliers, knelt for comfort, made few moves to defective rail and coat ed pod resealed. He rose slowly, in conjunction with the sliding closure, without d ect looking at her, fixed his eyes intense with it for a few seconds and kissed her.

of new and varied ephemeral emotions lived for a week. To leave one morning, she must fulfill their social obligations, he noticed that the zipper back to give him trouble, had no time-usually cost him much time to reach those instances that are not motivated any fiber of his being- pins tied as the first time that he could not close her coat, kissed him and left. Arriving by night at his house, looked at the closing arrest of his coat, which already had become his companion with a little force and certainty pulled the zipper and got repaired. That morning saw him no more, spent the days and knew nothing of him, when he returned to find, after a good long-lived furtive encounters that only end when he decided to disappear. Also, it was time that their existence in it crystallized into a spinal apathy and indifference. Wind listened between the lines he drew strong pangs of love, and did not care anything about what he was referring could move, or as they shared as friends in a cafe or even enough to become a priority over social obligations that she really hated. Definitely stopped watching, but probably often have been together at a meeting organized by various friends who had in common, however, the last time I remember so clear was that morning when he left in a hurry, she could not objection to the empty words and broken that he was beaten and now bred and kept repeating himself.

Very favorably that day afternoon he stopped making eye contact, she straightened his zipper again without any damage, the next time you shared with him were part of that faded into the fog. He remembered what it was, compared to the thin, cold breeze blowing through your window, closed his eyes tightly that softened the fall in sleep. At dawn, she came back eager to bars while walking with his partner of routes that sheltered during those cold winter days, the happy evenings with friends and iridescent glow of changing colors in the city.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What To Order At Bonefish Grill

And also, we look to art

There are clouds, a ray of sunshine, music on lime,
viewed from the frame without doors. Behind
one begs a tree.

jugaras not in vain, always sounds
what happens,
nothing if not sleeping in your lap, you

the dancing my childhood.

Demask Wrapping Paper

light maps, Novas Victor Street

That blank area open to the channel on its own, and going unheard, as in snow, a baby color, a color that Ethiopia, which sits on a line on a line on the run, the vibration of the visible in the eye of the beholder even absent. A long boom spills staining certainty, and brimming with light to germinate: dog, hand, flower, eye, lip, tool, child, everything about the bold white animal.
loves all tangible breath of those strokes that mate and breed as the origin of the world.
The look of the painting, workshop laborious. And from the look of the painter's heart blows the form of the intangible, the color of the underside of the things we lick and bark at us, ignore us or save us.
The painting, ruminating wakefulness to make up the wonderful mystery of the everyday.
Transformation, Metamorphosis, photocopying encouraged by the tireless fingers in his eyes. Humble, bold, stark in the workshops of dawn, in the background, further back, where shadows guarding all the light that hides his palette, made with raw tenderness maps of the soul, the soul of things, maps, paintings, even true for your little girl around the house, not just at home when your eyes which again deployed to watch, and time is yours, Nuestro, every time you referred

Then the blank area, open to the canal, itself, unprecedented and something happens, like the snow, drinking a color, a color that sink, which sits on a trait, on a line on the run, the visible vibration in the eye of the beholder still missing. A long stampede spills staining for sure, and germinate rebosante light: dog, hand, flower, eye, lip, hand tool, children, everything, everything about the bold animal blank. Every breath
loves these tangible traits that aparean and create as the source of the world.
The look of the painting, workshop laborious. And from this look at the heart of the painter blows the form of intangibles, the color of the envés things lamen or barking, or ignórannos save us.
The painting, Rumi the care to compose the wonderful mystery of everyday life.
Transformation, Metamorphosis, photocopies are animated by restless fingers of his eyes. Humble, bold, gaunt in the workshops of the aurora in the background, but at the bottom, where the shadows keeps all the light that hides your palette, draw maps with raw tenderness of the soul, the soul of things, maps, paintings, even Chiquita true to his walk home, and not just when your home look that puts us back the Mirales, and time is yours, ours, which increasingly includes

Green Tea Forehead Rash

El Paraiso is between us?, Hell certainly do not shout His Holiness

're already dressed
for tomorrow is revealed in your eyes
and light you want.

life is short
your story is long

an entire look and beauty

with closed ears hear
the ineffable tenderness