During the week of 3 to October 10, 2010 is celebrated throughout Spain the third European Week of Awareness about ADHD, driven by the Association for AD / HD EUROPE, organization founded in 2008 that brings together all the associations and federations of people affected by Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or AD / HD) in Europe
European Awareness Weeks are events held annually during the first week of October, to conclude with a manifesto, and organizing the various associations involved in policy areas under a common theme chosen by the association AD / HD EUROPE.
attached on In the blog I will tell my patients this story of a patient with ADHD
The first time we met Raul and I was in a medical consultation of Man Project, of which I am a volunteer medical aide in the interview her mother was also present Ana Ana is a mother, those we call "Mother Courage", v beyond where they launch their son Raul. They are Asturias, she has large eyes and short black hair handsome, observant, and above all very safe. In the first interview medical Ana began to tell the reason to go to project man, while Raul, his head nodding all that she was telling. We had not been a long time when increasingly to interventions Raúl, corrections to his mother, who were gradually becoming more frequent and more disruptive, since many times their interventions contributed nothing, but rather was to finish the sentence of his mother, who, incidentally was interrupted by his son. Suddenly in the middle of a medical consultation tone Raúl interventions were stronger, and why not more aggressive until a time came to ask his mother to leave the consultation, she with her big black eyes filled with tears, after my suggestion to access the request of Raul, and a sign of affection, compression, I got up while I accompanied her and Ana to the door of the consultation, giving a small shock, as am period compression in left forearm, and she left the consultation. then I pointed out to Raul, the merit of his mother, that mother courage, as Pantoja's mother accompanied him throughout the English geography, landing in these parts of the south. We continued with good harmony until the first medical interview.
aggressive ADHD children may not need antipsychotic drugs, study suggests that with proper adjustment of stimulant medication plus psychotherapy may be sufficient More kids with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) who have aggressive behavior and tractorno oposionista, receive medication in addition antipsicópticos stimulants to help control his outbursts
The correct and agreed tratamietno controls the aggressiveness of the child and adjust the disorder oposionista large extent this is important because if not controlled in the adult produces trastonos comorbidity of personality that asician ADHD in adults
You do not know what reading, if science fiction, the diary of a schizophrenic, metaphysics, quantum theory, one of war or of neutrons and protons.
The phrase I liked the whole book was: "I have no ability to change the past, present and future."
I do not know if the reference to previous protozoa, I just remembered my time at school and when some wanted to be notaries.
now I would attest that this book, Slaughterhouse Five, will not leave indifferent. You can like it or not, but it will not be indifferent. As the maximum. Or as Doña Letizia, may love it or hate it, but nobody is indifferent, even though they can not define it as the Peñainfiel insists, in that which is ineffable ...
Maybe I found that I seized on the ineffable Estapa Institute (where we sat under the willow tree to talk about the present and possibly future probably hypothetical) as Slaughterhouse Five, without being similar or similar, I remembered the work of the writer Eduardo Mendoza and his references to extraterrestrial life. In the stage of Bup and Cou read anything produced by the Catalan writer, until that date. Obvious.
also read a lot of history.
Now I do not read history.
A Eduardo Mendoza about that either. Say you read it all.
pointed Could this all?
Tralfamadorian "-... I am, and I see the time in its entirety in the same way you can see a landscape of the Rocky Mountains. Any time is all time. Nothing changes no warning or explanation needed. It just is. Take time for what they are, moments, and you will soon realize that we are all, as I said earlier, prisoners of amber insects.
"That sounds as if you did not believe in free will," said Billy Pilgrim
"If I had not spent much time studying Earthlings," said the Tralfamadorian-would not no idea what "free will." I've seen thirty-one inhabited planet in the universe, and I have studied reports of another hundred. Only in the land speaks of "free will" "
ecological Note: take this opportunity to denounce the lie, but in every city in many, recycling. Many societies have been established for the collection of plastics, companies that once constituted and claimed the grant or turn, subsidiaries of public administration, which come to destroy the plastic like most other organic waste. The reason is labor, not hired staff would be needed for classification of waste.
The attached blog of my patients with ADHD, I tell the story of another patient, who has called Antonio, which has drgoas problems, use cocaine. There are multiple studies demonstrating that having ADHD is a risk factor for drug use. impulsivity, hyperactivity, feeling the search for new, empezr many things and not finish, are circumstances, clinics, occurring in patients with ADHD, which are logical and more easily understand Risk in increased drug use patients with ADHD. I speak in this story of self-medication, a new term used in psychiatry, well I encourage you to visit the blog that is attached to this, hoping that all this information worth to you for something.
Before closing I remind you again that the treatment in children with ADHD reduces the risk of drug use. Biderman studies exist where monitoring of children with ADHD, those who discontinued treatment or not followed for various reasons, used drugs twice that children with ADHD who had a good adeherncia the reatment of ADHD
I put below the letter from a mother courage, experience tells us to fight for your child with ADHD, I think it's important to give this whole diffusion testmonio q ue possible among other reasons, because this story is repeated and repeated daily , maybe this testimino make it possible for other stories eldiagnostico easier and faster.
now seven years ago I received the first diagnosis of my daughter. In Seville, the Seville Institute of Pediatrics, a neurologist, a report which stated that after the studies to eliminate other conditions, given signs and symptoms evaluated, my daughter showed clinical signs of minimal brain dysfunction. Naomi had just turned eight years time.
Naomi came into the world in a hurry. Four months before the due date, and the obstetrician noticed that the child inside me was not growing properly and began to prepare their lungs if needed that he was born prematurely, as it were. On May 11, 1995, arrived at 32 weeks gestation weighing 895 grams and 37 cm.
Chiquitita and its tiny fingernails still forming, born crying and with a huge desire to live. He spent two months in the incubator to me made me eternal but after the windows of that box, I saw it grow and gain weight as po r last month or so, I left it on her arm, I knew that this battle was won.
the next five years, I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I got Malita and I was immensely happy to see her grow up healthy and happy.
When I was five, was still in kindergarten as though he was healthy, it was still tiny for his age and I felt safer in a school with few children. That was when her teacher at the store started to say that Naomi had trouble reading, I knew all the s letters but that something prevented interpret what they meant.
With six he entered the school and there began his particular ordeal. The young lady who had that year was kind and affectionate with the child, but after two months of beginning to know her, I called to tell me that before and I was told in the nursery, but here, when many more children, the teacher did not could devote to it and understand that breaker was in his brain that prevented him from learning at the same rate as the rest.
Naomi began to fear for no apparent reason and one time or another it came to escape the pee at school, a fact that made him more insecure because she was always very intelligent, she knew that something had to be different from other children and even managed to hide her panties.
We took her to a psychologist in two sessions after deducting what happened to the girl should have a bearing on my marriage (which then worked fine), and diagnosed by him in cross-laterality, which is why he attended two times a week for 18 months to fill his cabinet endless chips recognizing letters in all positions and for having.
came in second grade but still could not read. Deciphered the words because he had memorized his image in his brain but they were just drawings. This year was not so lucky as in the previous year. The lady was polite but cold and distant. Now, every evening brought task: copy to be repeated many times. Her writing was horrible. When starting the copies better, but as I went on the lines, it was becoming more unintelligible words. The next day, invariably returned the book to attract a large red cross and crossed what was written the day before along with the word ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Repeat !!!!!!!. I prepared the tea and we started to do this, but each Once the mood was less, with my hopes of someday getting to please the lady.
had been two months since the start of the course and the teacher sent me a letter to the girl, letter still preserved, since that day I cried like never before.
In that letter, the teacher told me that my daughter spent most of the day hiding under his desk, staring out the window or taking sharpen pencils. I understood that she could not take care of this situation and should take action, to which I attached a paper that I had to sign for the girl to see her psychologist education. This was the first contact I had with the masterpiece, a sad and cold letter. Not even thought to call and tell me this directly although it was said there, my daughter would be going very wrong.
I asked an appointment that took a long week in giving me, probably because for her the situation should not be as urgent and in that event, finished mourn what I did not cry when I read your letter.
front of me was a person who did nothing but repeat the amount of work he had with 28 students in the class and he was stressed. Without knowing my ability criticized as a mother because she says I do not encourage my daughter to do well the task and had not properly educated as to standards of living and knowledge to be, which is why she says, she hid under the table.
round off the talk, I explained in great detail as my daughter would spend recess alone in the yard without playing with anyone and this and that is the height, I then told him to ask me to tell my daughter should not try to just holding his hand at recess and did not attempt to give as many kisses as it was an older girl.
admit that at that time the helplessness and grief prevented me and I coordinate a word limit to sign the authorization for my daughter to be considered by the educational psychologist.
Today, I know if my daughter was alone in the yard is because he felt inferior to other children and she continually chiding enhance this feeling and when he sought her hand in the playground and give him kisses, I really wanted to reach her and get her love I felt that by not doing the job well, your lady would want less and thus perhaps could compensate.
The psychologist saw the girl twice and was tested after which they thought the best option was for the little girl went to school support.
Gradually, the situation was going to get worse. Naomi began to eat the hair and nails. The brightness of her eyes was fading and was always sad and afraid of everything.
After Easter, the teacher called me again so cold that I was informed that it would be appropriate to ask her a significant adaptation. To my question why?, She taught me a test where my daughter had left almost all white. I asked to speak with Ms. support, to know that my daughter learned in that class and there taught me a sheet that she had colored adding also doing other things, of course. I looked again
examination of the child and saw that he was asked to put the alphabet and asked the lady if someone had taught him, since she drove her class right in language and mathematics, and the answer I got was that it came just ten little minutes before class ended and apparently my daughter with those ten little minutes, should take advantage and learn what the rest learned in an hour.
I asked to delay the decision whether to adjust and I challenged the teacher in two months to re-evaluate the child. As
not allow me to borrow books from school, I looked for life and got the publisher to let me buy some new books for home mid-year. In two months and with many tears and hard work, went home by filling out one by one the pages of those books, with lyrics horrendous but knowing what it said. One evening, I remember Naomi, dead (they were more than four hours a day which worked) told me: 'Mom, if I can not make the letters straight how can I make friends? I remember that afternoon, I left the room so you do not see me and came to mourn with rage, was unjust that my seven year old daughter felt that school success only be allowed to have friends, why that was precisely what the lady insisted on transmit.
to repeat the test to Naomi and when I went to collect the results, I asked at that meeting were present the educational psychologist and principal.
not much things have changed, they said. But where is the exam? I asked. Well, I've left the office, said the psychologist. Then I asked to please bring it to him and after some excuses had no choice but to do so.
I saw that review and had only fifteen questions unanswered and left two other three had small mistakes.
The director was speechless, psychologist and head down the red lady dared to say anger that this did not mean anything and that she still felt that the girl needed an adjustment.
The review by Naomi was decisive, I refused and asked for an adjustment to the child attend the kind of support at times that do not correspond with language or math and how it was according to the director at all impossible, les I said I was abandoning my daughter would receive support because it was only aimed at relieving the teacher work and my daughter all she did was hurt and that thereafter the support, I would give it at home.
forced me to sign several papers in which I threatened to revoke my decision if they considered timely and though one side does not know how far I could to fronta the decision was taken, on the other hand, I felt liberated and an inner strength I said I was doing the right thing.
I started looking for information about what could happen to my daughter. Thanks to Bill Gates, I must say, I came to him the largest encyclopedia in the world and I came upon an article describing almost all everything that happened, although the title was confusing me because he spoke little hyperactivity I knew of this term, did not correspond to what would later be detailed as the image I had of a hyperactive child A child was uncontrolled and excessive movement and my daughter did not.
I come now to the point at which I begin this story and give us the diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction, which is as initially called ADHD. With a diagnosis in hand, we offer a drug treatment that both me and her father, gives us the hairs on end just by reading the prospectus, which we decided to compare the diagnosis and went to three neurologists always with hope that some say something different, of course, without first telling them that the girl had already seen. Dr. Josefina
Fornell, a neurologist, psychiatrist, teacher and above all a wonderful person and now deceased, was the one who opened our eyes and forced us to look ahead to this disorder, which would not disappear even though we tried to deny us. Our daughter had a serious problem and was entitled to receive treatment to help him overcome his difficulties. Simultaneous
our previous trip to seek a diagnosis di ferent, which took us even Zaragoza, found on the Internet, the address of an Association of Parents of hyperactive children, who happened to be in Jerez at 30 miles from where we resided.
called and the other side of the phone, was Mary the first president of the association. I told my case and she invited me to attend a meeting held annually and which coincidentally had agreed that held that week.
of the association worked three psychologists who valued children and then faced his psychological treatment. Since that time, Naomi was worth and began to work with.
started with fear pharmacological treatment the beginning of the third year and everything changed.
Letters, became straight in his notebook and had a sweet and loving new teacher I do gladly accept that from time to time my daughter asked you a kiss. The Association , mothers waited in the living room from the entrance, while the psychologists working with children in offices.
That year my daughter's treatment, was decisive, and I have told many times because everyone at home had to learn that we faced. AFHIP On those evenings, I agreed with Pilar, Pilar Bolós's mother, Fran. She took longer than I knew the diagnosis of her son and she had a tremendous support to understand that was what was happening and we all could look forward to.
She made me see that no one was guilty that my daughter had this disorder and I should also stop blaming me for not having discovered all this before. That was no use lamenting what had happened and from that moment and everything that could happen would surely be better because at least he had a diagnosis and my daughter knew that I would be there to help.
circumstances of life for today Pilar and I do not maintain contact, but she knows that I always referred to it as my host mother and as you bastards do not be grateful, I will always have to thank those afternoons where his words gave me hope and, above all, podérsela convey to my daughter.
For several years I worked in that association, I can not say altruistically, because selfishly, any success of the partnership had an impact on the society where my daughter lived, knew more about this disorder and could understand the everyday difficulties to overcome. Similarly, for those evenings with Pilar, I knew how important it is a word of encouragement when it seems that everything is crumbling around you and when you do not really know that you face and that's why I have tried since then transmit information to other parents.
If I write this letter today, is for several reasons.
First, to be read by a mother, Ana, I know only virtually and is now very lonely and do not know where address the helplessness which it is still only beginning. Second, because maybe my experience may be of interest to a teacher and reading, you may take that child to meditate themselves hovering in the background of its kind, can be a child with problems, not happy and that he can depend on receiving assistance.
Third, because I'm sure this will read other parents who have gone through a similar situation to ours and they should also convey their experiences to their environment if we all want that the road is much more enjoyable for our children.
And finally, because I keep these lines, so that maybe when Naomi is great and has even children, can read and understand because at times over the years I have been overcome and work continuously and to know how proud I am of her because her goals are increasing and even associated with a diagnosis of dyslexia, and can be studied alone. Currently
Naomi has just turned 15 years, ESO will start fourth in October. All he has left the English and not have any adjustment in school. When I talk with teachers, we all give as an example of its ability and its ability to excel. Naomi has an IQ de129 and thanks to that the attention deficit and dyslexia have not prevented it with more work in some subjects that the rest can get their education. Wants to be a math teacher and do you know? I'm sure I'll succeed.
Pd: I forgot the title of this letter, is called Commitment and has its rationale. Commitment is the one I bought when I first took Naomi in my arms when removed from the incubator. Commitment was that I took in the office of director of school when I decided to tackle educational support my daughter, as is a commitment that we should assume all parents of children with this disorder in transmitting information in our environment for others can see our children with eyes that we look and feel complicit in the task of making them happy and Commitment (and this is the most important), is acquired by Naomi and many other children like her, planting face to life and refuse to kill their hopes for the future. Lola Lucas Duque