Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What Is Ots Non Rated

I'm going to the national! Variable

Examen Parcial de Variabe Compleja Básica
21 de Octubre de 2004

(Fórmula integral de Cauchy) Sea C una curva cerrada y simple que yace en el interior de una región D simplemente conexa. Sea
a un punto en la región interior de C
. Demuestra que
f( a ) = (1 / 2pi
i ) Integral_C f (z ) / (z
) d z

Let G be a simple closed curve is not necessarily contained in C

\\ {- 1.1}. Determines the possible values \u200b\u200bof the integral

N = (1 / 2pi
) Integral_G (1 / (z

-1) (

z +1)) d z


Let C be the circle with center 0 and radius R. Using the definition of the integral, calculated the integral over C z

m, with m
an integer. Exhibits
Cauchy Theorem For the special case of a square.

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