Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Can We Buy Duckbill Platypuses
Torture does not understand style. Just turn up the volume. No matter that the lyrics for the band Rage Against the Machine (RATM) are an angry indictment of capitalism and spit directly into the face of Bush. Their songs, along with groups like Metallica, AC / DC or the sweet Britney Spears, have been used for years by the U.S. military as psychological torture techniques in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. "Ready to physical torture," says the British newspaper The Guardian Ruhal Ahmed, a British citizen has passed the U.S. base in Cuba. "No problem if you interrogated in a room while they beat you. You prepare mentally and that's it.'s Worst psychological torture."
The artists involved have had enough of his music sounds in the walls of Guantanamo and have just arranged through Zero dB (zero dB), an initiative that aims to reach 30,000 members and press well to musical abuses cease. "What we're hoping is that metiesen Bush in one of those small cells and verifications will our music until he was deaf," proposed RATM guitarist Tom Morello. With this ensemble, the musicians raised silence against noise. Thus, the first acts of Zero dB begin to see at concerts where bands keep several minutes of silence before their performance.
United States has never denied these practices. In fact it was the U.S. military commander in Iraq, Ricardo Sanchez, the authorized in 2003, with the approval of their superiors. The goal was to "create fear, disorient ... and extend the impact of capture." Binyam Mohamed is one of the Guantanamo detainees who have suffered these abuses: "They put in a dark room and tie you down. I left several days without sleep and when you have swollen legs and hands were numb starts playing loud music. They put me Mr. Eminem and Dre for 20 days. "
A list of musicians that sound deafening at Guantanamo so far add some hard rock like David Gray, an English singer velvety cadence. Also the innocent melodies Sesame Street. Its author is out of stone at the news.
The band Metallica, which showed in his time an absolute indifference to the use of their songs ("We have tortured for years at our parents, wives and friends with our music. Why the Iraqis were going to be different? "said the singer), is now shown for the initiative Zero dB. This may have expiry date in January 2009 as promised by the president-elect Barack Obama, Guantanamo ceases to exist. What does not seem so sure that this technique is no longer used in other conflicts.
____Reports - the overall period in Spain ol
Seen Shell the Lora
It Hurts When I Get Fingered?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Leather Lds Scripture Tote
If you are on the verge of his last day of school before leaving in the fourth through high school, is close to a dismissal or know that you are approaching a moment that, for social convention has been called "sad", then the practical advice that was waiting
D Ejando reasons aside, let us keep running the way cta of ll or ar, understanding this crying will not enter in the scandal, or that insults you to smile with its parallel and awkward likeness. Crying means or ordinate io is a general contraction of the face and a spasmodic sound accompanied by tears and mucus, the latter in the end, since the cry ends at the m omentum when one blows strongly.
to mourn, steer the imagination toward yourself, and if this re consultation im possible to have contracted the habit of believing in the outside world, think of a duck covered with ants or of those gulfs in the Strait of Magellan in the that does not fit anyone, ever.
Coming to the weeping itself, cover the face decorously, using both hands, palms inward. Children cry with the sleeve pressed against the face, preferably in a corner of the room. Average duration of crying, three minutes.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Where Can I See Zoophilia
and hopefully can be
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Anniversary Program Templates Free
[casually linked to the entry: " Inventory of Dreams ( dream postmortem) " ]
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
How Many Points In Chicken Pad
impose what I know if I want to learn
unknown and a source in my own discovery?
The world is my truth
your wisdom,
my denial;
your conquest,
my absence;
your doing,
my destruction.
pump is not what kills me;
the gun wounds, maims and just
poison gas, and suppresses
kills, but the truth
my mouth dry, my mind goes
and denies my poetry,
me before.
not want the truth, gimme
refuse to let me make my world
for me to also be my own denial
and my turn to be denied .
... I say that the unknown
can not teach, I say
not taught what is known
and that each man makes the world
Tell me, I'll knit
about your story, show yourself to me
can stand on your shoulders. Reveal
from you can I be and do whatever
I'll take you
superfluous, not truth
that kills and freezes, I'll take your ignorance
to build my innocence.
Do not you realize that you wanted
fight war with peace, and peace
is the claim of war?
Do not you realize that you wanted
fight injustice with justice, and justice
is the claim of poverty?
Do not you realize that you wanted
combat ignorance
with instruction and that instruction
is the claim of ignorance
because it destroys creativity?
... Let him be the new new
traffic and is the negation of this,
let it be known my liberation, not my slavery
is not little I ask ...
The error is again possible in the wake
and the other will be present.
You, me and him we
to make the world. Truth
lose his empire
humans have theirs.
not instruct me,
lives with me
your failure is that I'm identical to you
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Best Homemade Jackoff Toys
VIDEO Chaitén Volcano here