Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leather Lds Scripture Tote

If you are on the verge of his last day of school before leaving in the fourth through high school, is close to a dismissal or know that you are approaching a moment that, for social convention has been called "sad", then the practical advice that was waiting

Instructions to mourn

Julio Cortázar
D Ejando reasons aside, let us keep running the way cta of ll or ar, understanding this crying will not enter in the scandal, or that insults you to smile with its parallel and awkward likeness. Crying means or ordinate io is a general contraction of the face and a spasmodic sound accompanied by tears and mucus, the latter in the end, since the cry ends at the m omentum when one blows strongly.

to mourn, steer the imagination toward yourself, and if this re consultation im possible to have contracted the habit of believing in the outside world, think of a duck covered with ants or of those gulfs in the Strait of Magellan in the that does not fit anyone, ever.

Coming to the weeping itself, cover the face decorously, using both hands, palms inward. Children cry with the sleeve pressed against the face, preferably in a corner of the room. Average duration of crying, three minutes.


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