wore shirt and jeans worn at the seams, trailing empty future in the midst of the sublime and gray city, between the world looks without seeing, nor was the exception, as for all the automation was also his guide. Decided to stop, breathe, "I guess instinct just called, and depending on the color of the shadow or how many times gruyen pigeons, perhaps it becomes a human (ide). He recalled that at some point would not reach the point of remembering between distant patches of thousands and allegories. Without more knowledge about botany, he thought suddenly that hope was like a rose defective brought no thorns, but seem tempting after causing so many wonder, evokes a world in vain, wandering between certain interests and discursive lightness, and there it ends, no birth, no death, no lies though you can not deny their existence, but is withering and dying. He thought he did not really like flowers and even strives to boast of never having set foot in a botanical garden. Annoying threads unraveled some of its seams and picked up the pace steady, accurate directions of nonsense.
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