Sunday, February 21, 2010

How Much Does A Princess Cruise Cost

Keeping a blog is more complicated than it seems, if you would like to check -lectora/lector- the above, there could be a few blogs around and notice that there are many derelict (as sometimes happens to this site for weeks) or linked to broken links. When that happens on this page is just a creative deficit in which respect for those who actually read what is written here regularly, it would just "throwing anything to upgrade" ... not calm (o), I will not mention the blog, no less in a "meta-virtual."

However, having clarified the reason for the lack of continuity from the last time, I come:
Nevertheless, this blog still receives visitors, places and not so distant.

Thanks to this new friend (writer, painter and anthropologist) who dared to write despite the geographic and generational distance.

Thanks, friend of Spain, which still have not managed to repay the greeting, but to which I have in mind.

Thank you to those who come to watch videos and read letters from a group of Murga, who like (as my friend who works at a call center Argentina).

Thank you to those who go because they like what is posted (but be dim.)

Thank you to those who just visit for reasons of friendship.

Corresponding to an information that I received the email, signed up to unwelcome reality in "The BOBs - Blog Awards, taking record # 238 in the following link:
not ask them to enter the site many times can to raise in the ranking, and have therefore suggested to enroll enough.

Finally, within the blog updates to seek relationship with visitors, reciprocity and maintain the site, are the links to Twitter and Facebook.

Honestly, everyone, THANK


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