Friday, July 23, 2010

Apology Letter For Barking Dog

between life and literature: My Fairy Godmother Carmen Martin Gaite Future

A tapestry consists of many threads that I can not bring myself to do one single, my skirt comes that a story is made of many stories. And I can not count them. Clarice Lispector, illegal Happiness

10 years ago, mid-morning, I paid my first introduce fees for the competitions of Finance, which were back in time. And while waiting in line, picked up the newspaper to kill time. This "kill time Alicia reminds me and reminds me of Carmen. And when she came to the last pages of the newspaper, I was confronted with the news: Carmen Martin Gaite had died.

I was surprised they had not heard anything on the news part. I'm still thinking, "obvious to the Gaite in the news?

"I'ma person open to what is happening in the world. I-band close to new things, I am not so foolish not to recognize its usefulness. Now, at my age, I'm not going to learn to use computers, the Web ... If someone works with that system, and I can help, I do. But I'd feel sad if I had to write directly to a screen. As a means of disseminating culture, which reaches many and quickly, I see very well. For example, we now dedicate a number of electronic journal of my work. There was always a first time, put the phone and talk, or mounted on a plane. I move in the world and, of course, evolved. I do not lack the curiosity and open-mindedness; old to learn, Instead, I have not already. I'll tell you: I spent hours a few months ago, the Library of Washington, and friends showed me on the screen, a list of papers on my work. I recognize it is a very great help, and thank you to the extent that proves there is interest in my work, and in many places. Takes years off me, encouraged me curious and active disposition "

I really have saved many books CMG suicide

The first suicide
saved me The Snow Queen. Book CMG in which he confessed to have suffered much in his writing. Have dropped once, and perhaps a second or maybe third. But miraculously ended our lives. The inability to mourn a crystallite Leandro because he has entered the eye. And half of the book appears the poem Ithaca

When you set your journey to Ithaca

beg you the journey is long,

full of adventure, full of experiences.

Writing from drinking the thirst for freedom, to gain time to time, the taste for everyday life, "never miss anything you have, every day you have to get brightness to make it look old again. " "Freedom takes one inside."

In some time I started a notebook yet there CMG phrases.

was autumn when I went to variable cloudiness. And in a previous fall I happened to read Riding Hood in Manhattan as the editions of this book were made to pray until Siruela came to his rescue. Years later I gave him a smart girl and wanting but yesterday I found out, also by chance that you have not read. I was a little sad.

When I bought Papers did everything with such remorse that he was not know how long unopened stored on a shelf away from my hands. Were daily, Carmen did not know if I wanted to publish. My desire to know of it prevented me not me with the book. I started reading the books. A punishment is personal, rather than a daily newspaper is a literary-philosophical notes for work. Even when mentioned to people, places and avoids the initial to the name.

I open the book around and I find a postcard of Granada, that city so wonderful, pages underlined, a bookmark of a local snack ...

the book I remember little is Between curtains.

I have Waiting in the future dos with amorous uses English postwar .

Going home, where curiously Amparo has an excellent relationship with his son but not his daughter: "Dear Mary, suddenly, before I go, I remember I had stayed with you morning to go out and buy the home of the new child. (By the way, Carolina do not know why had to give it away, so that was nice ... "calls attention to a mother goes away, does not say where, and gives her daughter sit next to a clear and motherhood. Here goes something. This is very suspicious ... Protection, in reality, where fleeing is a hometown, where through the streets, staying at the Excelsior, and is herself.

My edition of The never ending story is 1,988. I could not find this book anywhere and end in a bookstore took pity on me and searched me. When I went to pick it up, seeing him so soon again with as yellow pages and cover a little I thought that grazed in the library stock had not found any publisher (then buy online were not so much the order of the day, now order a book and it turns out the library where you are buying is and I were selling a copy that someone had and no longer needed.

From there I took the name of basting and Scraps.


He contando en muchas ocasiones la anécdota de Unamuno y Amado Nervo…saben aquel que dice…

Cuentan que cierta mañana de otoño iba don Miguel de Unamuno paseando con Amado Nervo y acertaron a pasar a orillas de un estanque.

-¡Qué plantas tan bonitas, don Miguel, ésas que flotan sobre el agua! ¿Cómo se llamarán?- preguntó el poeta, deteniéndose a mirarlas, con los ojos asombrados de quien las estuviera viendo por primera vez.

-¡Nenúfares!- le contestó inmediatamente Unamuno-. Eso que saca usted siempre in his poems.

And in this week's casualties, bringing up the day of La Magdalena Sabina's song, he or possession of such books mentioned coincidences Valente's daughter.

"I would give it much meaning to these little coincidences and each of such minutiae messages seen and interpreted omens of fate brought us together" Slow Paced

And when I look to buy more I read I remember that from " So many books bought and not read, which overwhelm, some many not even open! "He said in jingles.

Pulling Thread (Articles 1949-2000) was a slow read, full of surprises: an encyclopedia in small format.

share similar Purposes The search party.

Two wonderful stories, dealing with princesses and princes of the untreated blue waiting principesa subject to strict rules and absurd. I bought
one day the book was published the same year, New York Vision. I've watched a thousand times a thousand pages, and read his notes.

"Your Inglés is perfect, Money"

wish I had a minimum knowledge of the language, because the editorial end of the book makes a transcription and translation notes Carmiña but forget the last page, that is after several blank pages, which is written in English and vice versa ...

My last reading of La Gaite is The Spa . They are stories, masterfully sewn together, with a foreword by Luis Alberto de Cuenca ... but terribly sad. And the latter is what most caught my attention. That pessimism that exude the stories of The Spa in a writer like Carmen so vital, so full of magic, as Fairy Godmother.

The poet is perhaps the least known aspect of our Carmen. This is one of my favorite poems


not Valium or Orfidal,

misunderstood me.

is faith. Yes faith.

understand that it is too late

and no hour

phoning a pharmacy

with such quintessence.

What I need

trusted to enter the belly


is a specific protective


What give you an example


Well I do not know ... I need

believe that this bag

mouth closed

and on whose surface

shows the hump

static wrappers

may be reopened once

wishes and surprises to cause

under sunlight and moon

under Clement fervor

of sea gods.

Oh, to feel what it was


And do not even need both

? And less I ask?;

simply believe that one day

I felt suddenly

most neglected when walking

of waiting,

And I knew with certainty

yes, you could,

a heart

when finally goes on a rampage

it is not beating without


from another very close.

Ya. They have nothing.

Well forgive.

understand that it is too late

for you to lose the


con tales quintaesencias.

Ya me lo figuraba.

Buenas noches.

Gracias Carmen por haber existido y por habernos dado esa literatura tan milagrosa, tan llena de magia, de vida, de sueños...


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