Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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A recent study tracking children with ADHD and one without ADHD Few studies have been performed up girls ADHD and none have followed girls into adulthood. After monitoring and reassessed at the age of 22 years confirmed the presence of more psiquiarticos processes in ADHD patients in relation to those without ADHD

The abstract of

Objective: The authors sought to estimate the prevalence of psychopathology in children with and without ADHD followed into young adulthood, with a control when I was 22.

Method: The authors conducted a longitudinal study of case-control study of girls aged 6 to 18 year old girls were studied in total of which did not have ADHD 122) ascertained from psychiatric sources and pediatrics. At 11 years of follow up, 96 girls were revised (and Dault) of which 69% of girls with ADHD and 91, ie 75% of comparison girls were reassessed (mean age = 22 years), participants were evaluated blindly, ie cuadon were assessed, the physician interviewer was previously unknown whether or not ADHD, he performed all the same structured diagnostic interviews. It

Two: Lifetime risk and 1 year for all categories composed of psychopathology were significantly higher in girls with ADHD developed in relation to comparison girls, The rates of lifetime risk was 7.2 (95% CI = 4.0-12.7) for antisocial , 6.8 (95% CI = 3.7-12.6) for mood disorders , 2.1 (95% CI = 1.6 -2.9) for anxiety disorders, 3.2 (95% CI = 2.0-5.3) for developmental disorders, 2.7 (95% CI = 1.6-4.3) for addictive disorders and 3.5 (95% CI = 1.6-7.3) for eating disorders . For lifetime psychopathology, all six composite categories remained statistically significant after controlling for other baseline psychopathology. Except disorders adictivos, los resultados a 1 año permanecieron siendo significativos después de controlar la psicopatología de la línea base. Las prevalencias de 1 año de trastornos compuestos no se asociaron con el consumo de medicación para el TDAH de por vida o a un año.

Conclusión :

En la adultez temprana, las niñas con TDAH se encontraban en alto riesgo d e trastornos antisociales, adictivos, de estado de ánimo, de ansiedad y alimenticios . Estos hallazgos prospectivos, previamente documentados en niños con TDAH, proporcionan evidencia adicional para la alta morbilidad asociada ADHD across the life cycle.

To access the full text refer to the subscription features of the original source: ajp.psychiatryonline.org / index
. Dtl


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