Psychotherapy improves control of symptoms in adults hyperactive cognitive therapy is more effective than relaxation if symptoms persist, reduced by 30% symptoms in one third of those affected even today many believe that Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) is just kid stuff. But the truth is that a 4% of adults also suffer. And what's worse, while many of them are unwilling or unable to take medication, others who follow drug therapy continue to experience some symptoms of the disease, hence the need to find new alternatives you. Now we know that psychotherapy, specifically cognitive therapy behavioral could be an effective measure for these patients. This is just finding a study published in the latest edition of the Journal of American Medical Association' ('JAMA'). "Los medicamentos son muy efectivos para reducir el volumen de los síntomas del TDAH, pero no muestran las habilidades necesarias para manejar los problemas de atención que persisten en estos pacientes", explica Steven Safren, director de Medicina de la Conducta en el Departamento de Psiquiatría del Hospital General de Massachusetts (EEUU). Este experto insiste en que "éste es el primer estudio controlado que evalúa una terapia no farmacológica, comparada con otras, para mejorar dichos síntomas y para reducir la medicación". De hecho, en el ensayo, los científicos dividieron en dos grupos a 86 adultos hiperactivos (From 18 to 56 years) who used drugs but continued with symptoms. While one of them, patients received 12 individual sessions 50 minutes (one per week) cognitive behavioral therapy, members of another group underwent relaxation techniques (muscle relaxation ) and educational techniques for how to apply the relaxation to the symptoms of ADHD). "In particular, cognitive therapy consisted of several modules. Thus, one focused on psychoeducation about ADHD , well as training on the management and task planning (use calendar and lists). They were also trained in problem solving "according to the clinical trial. The second module is worked on skills reduce distractions and third, the means for better adapt to stressful situations . All participants were evaluated at six and twelve months of therapy. The data show that ADHD symptoms were reduced by 30% two-thirds of patients who remained in psychotherapy. However this reduction only was achieved in one third of those who carried out the relaxation techniques. This study suggests that "cognitive behavioral therapy in adults with ADHD seems to be a useful and effective strategy in patients who have persistent symptoms despite medication. In general, treatment was well tolerated, with low rates abandonment and its effects held ... The clinical application of such strategies is urgent for those who need it, determine the authors in their conclusions.
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