Scientists are currently seeking and track the potential genetic factor or disease disorders in the scientific fashion has not escaped the ADHD, the ability of a genetic study to calculate the high stakes of having an ADHD child's future, It is important, especially if in the future we can not predict whether one will have ADHD or not, but it the hope is to go further and to act on the gene locus (area of \u200b\u200bthe gene) and modify it to avoid attention deficit disorder. Well but this in the future, and hopefully in the future in the short time space.
genetic studies of heritability of ADHD, are becoming more abundant. Heredibilidad already know that ADHD does not lie in a single gene but a combination of several genes, This talk that inheritance is polygenic , that involves several genes, which in turn, may be enhanced by environmental factors. The study of patients in adoption, has shown that environmental factors are less important than genetic, but as we said before, the environmental factors on genetic load are factors to consider as we shall see later.
know that if you Nemos a child with ADHD, the risk of having a parent ADHD is also 25% UB as can be observed in the study of Biderman's 1999 (see table
a) this means that two families with children with ADHD one in four parents have ADHD. This disorder ADHD affects first-degree relatives, ie parents and direct uncles (siblings of parents) more often as we said 25%. Faraone in school tells us that there is a range between two and eight times more frequent than the presence of ADHD in subjects with a family history of ADHD than subjects without family history.
Adult Children diagnosed with ADHD have 57% risk of having ADHD and siblings of children with ADHD have a risk of 15% according to studies by Biederman in 1995. Finally we say that a study of parents of children with ADHD presented a risk of 20 times more than the parents who have children with ADHD
The genetic correlation is the presence of the phenotypic trait usually in a pair of monozygotic twins, or a couple either individuals within a group where the trait being studied. A stricter definition is the probability that both members of a pair of twins have the feature when it is presented at a them.
pairs twin studies estimated the concordance rate of the appearance
emergence of a phenotypic trait, usually a disease, monozygotic twins, which helps determine how the disease is contributed by genetic load, and how much by environment. For ADHD matching the body 50 and 80% in twins (homozygous) and twins (dizygotic twins are not the same brothers among them) the matches this in 30 or 40% heritability in twins according Faraone this in 76%
Different studies give us the percentage heritability symptoms while taking into account separately
Inattention 79%
hyperactivity-impulsivity 88%
current genetic studies on ADHD arrives to the conclusion that there is a sun
or genetic factor, but the disorder is caused by a polygenic, say s that affect more than one area or "LOCUS" the gene to produce ADHD.
regard to environmental factors there are many studies correlating their presence with the onset of ADHD, as well between as seen in the table below we can see that the tab
aco, and great abuse during pregnancy, alcohol during pregnancy is an important factor
seen in infants with the syndrome we call fetal-alcohol syndrome , where the newly n
acid has some special features and low birth weight due to the abuse of alcohol during mother's pregnancy, the rate or frequency of aparcricion of ADHD in children has been evident.
been proven that ADHD is an inherited disease, which requires the appearance of several genes for their appearance (polygenic), environmental factors are not as important as genetic factors when assessing cause or etiology of the tie-deficit disorder
nción. It is important during pregnancy to follow the recommendation not to take any particularly toxic snuff, and relation to this alcohol abuse.
When ADHD is diagnosed in a child we formalize a study of siblings and the risk is 15% presence of ADHD and this is increased to a minimum match of 30% in fraternal twins and twins of 50%. And in relation to parents is also advisable to study the doctor to rule out ADHD, as studies tell us that one in four biological parents of children with ADHD have ADHD
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