Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Methylphenidate significantly improves declarative memory performance of adults with ADHD

E No ADHD news blog attached to this, I have this news on the effect of treatment with methylphenidate in declarative memory, is that he is responsible for memories you data, life events, and information about our environment

adult ADHD in the declarative memory deficits are common in untreated adults with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but there is limited evidence to support the improvement after treatment with methylphenidate. In children with ADHD, it is the same, but when we children, we see only what we can measure, and treatment when we look at the effects that we can quantify, such as academic performance, the notes and do not appreciate that memory declarative, which is what really makes the child enjoys their environment, which really does not enjoy being dispersed by the lack of attention, with hyperactivity, and impulsivity and inattention improved with treatment.



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