Saturday, April 2, 2011

Herpes Outbreak After Exercise


's make a "sincere exercise of self-analysis ? Many of us do not express any of these symptoms:

1. Sometimes I have trouble finishing the projects 2. Sometimes I have trouble sorting office, office 3. Sometimes I have problems remembering appointments (agendas) 4. Often avoids tasks that require thinking a lot 5. Often continually move the hands and feet 6. I often feel compelled to do things: I'm too active

These questions are of the questionnaire (ASRS-V1.1de Composite International Diagnostic Interview WHO © World Health Organization This self-report questionnaire used to screen for adult ADHD

Could you have ADHD? Research suggests that symptoms of ADHD can persist into adulthood, genetic studies show poligentetico locus for ADHD, twin study and is amply confirmed the heritability of parents have children, according to studies Bderman the probability of having a child with ADHD when the father is ADHD is 52% and the probability that a parent with a child with ADHD is 25%.

Having ADHD increases the risk of having a significant impact on the child and therefore in the adult, about personal relationships, career and even personal safety of patients with this disorder. Because many times this disorder is not well understood, many people who suffer from undiagnosed or not treated properly and as a result, never reach their full potential. Part of the problem is not that it can be difficult to diagnose ADHD in adults, but perhaps lies in that differential diagnosis is made, or not valued in the adult this possible diagnosis, we are currently talking about many patients, especially them, attending a primary care or psychiatry, a clinical picture of anxiety and depression, and do not improve with usual treatment, the cause is because it is a box anxiety-depression and comorbid box adult ADHD, undiagnosed and therefore untreated. In this situation we have to see if there is a history in childhood and especially if the patient has adult family next or descendants with ADHD. reflection ADHD is a condition of life, not a disease, defined by three clinical dimensions, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and two vital consequences in children, a social area or academic relationship and that in a affect the future employment of the adult area ... If an adult with ADHD is not a patient and not feel sick ... if she really lives in a particular way, and the 'modus vivendi' (genetically determined) may not impact on their adaptation the environment ... it is clear that if, so early diagnosis and proper treatment and the child will avoid coomorbidades in adults prevent school fracacasos labor instability in the adult. so if you have a family history of ADHD or a child with this disorder, do not hesitate to ask for a diagnosis or differential diagnosis if you have anxiety disorder, dysthymic disorder or depression, drug problems and so on. Because we are at a good time to diagnose and treat ADHD.


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