Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Skin And Birth Control Age

Clinical Practice Guideline on ADHD in children and adolescents is a very interesting document prepared with the collaboration of the FEAADAH.

The development of this guide made by experts páctica a review, with more rigorous methodology, the scientific evidence about ADHD and has been subjected to peer review.

We recommend you to download through this link: / AATRM_2007-18.pdf

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pancreatic Cancer Hiatus Hernia


In the right column, you have a new blog with the directions of associations English cities, hoping to be more useful if, for those who need more information about ADHD in their own city or nearest.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why My Status Monitor Offline

What infraordinario. George Perec

Ask your scoops, says Perec on page 24 of The Infraordinario.

"We sleep our lives in a dreamless slumber. But our lives, where is it?" Where is our body? What our space? ". "The daily newspaper speaks of anything but everyday."

"# 2 is jazz, the revival (Sidney Bechet, or, rather, Maxim Saury)."

Impedimenta. 2008.
122 pages. I got

George Perec by Vila-Matas, Uncle Henry that we do not recognize me as Literaturitis Chronicle and nephews legitimate. We can not accompany you when you pick up the next Nobel Prize for literature in English. Anyway. Are you excited about the speech Vargas Llosa? And what have they discussed the relationship with his wife, "You have been of the opinion that marriage is not only fair to dedicate it to her to write and everything else?

Freedom is a choice. Who come from outside isms tell you what is equality and what should or should not do, that's dictatorship.

Returning to Perec and disregarding my indignation because then there is the environmental issue this morning I woke to the radio with the news that the lake is half a degree each decade and modern us you die, all day consuming of the Berska Zara and Mango Berska to ... and back home to buy in the Chinese plastic and double-parked car with the engine running we will not waste time using public transport.

"Questioning usual."

forget to view. Usually observe the day. Our streets, our homes, people around us.

"The charm of London is not easy to define is a bit like tea blends that" connoisseurs "carefully prepared ..."

Attempted inventory of liquid and solid food swallowed in the year 1974 , Perec infusion takes thirty-five green salads, among other things. (As the salad is going to par)

Yes I recommend at least read the last chapter, Still Life / Style Leaf mirror and enjoy the game conducted by the writer.

Yes I recommend you at least read the opening chapter of the book The Infraordinario, and I ask their spoons.

but please keep reading Perec, because it is a form of recover the astonishment surprise, it holds extraordinary ordinary things, ordinary things, like that cup of coffee with which we started the day and that being habitual, it ends up to be present every morning at 6:50 hours, but as may be present on the TV, or a lamp, or the mirror ... present, silent, invisible ...

be surprised at least once a month, while eating breakfast wakes ...

"(...), walk around sniffing, indulge in a road strewn with trees, a statue, a gift shop window appealing from afar, agglomeration, the sign of a pub, a bus pass, to arm themselves to the rhythm of the hours and the weather, more or less capricious routes, more or less crooked, that they would mark off evocative names something, even if not always know for sure what ...".

(Roberto Bolaño in a letter to Enrique Vila-Matas)

" ... What happens each day and return each day, the trivial, the everyday, the obvious, common, ordinary, infraordinario, noise background, as usual, how to account for this, how to interrogate, how to describe it? Under the watchful eyes of Perec is discovered the slow progress of works that make a street in a more miserable modern love understand why London is not glamorous or even attended a very thorough description of the work table of the writer's own act like a real autopsy. The matter of what infraordianario are the foundations that support the literature, observation and amazed passionate than usual, the question of what is beyond doubt and the tours of the writer who comes to see reality through the eyes of newcomers and which paints a thousand times the same table, as a impressionistic ... "

... Georges Perec is without doubt the greatest novelist of the second half of the twentieth century ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Advantage Of Wearing A Girdle

do not know why, my Irish day, gray, rainy, cloudy, I appear more profitable. more intimate, too, and are greater the desire to be home alone ...

Today I have taken the time to read food. I forget the hustle and bustle outside I forgot the car, and I was with my computer, but his back and reading beside a window that lets pass the light of day.

The George Perec has been my choice. Perhaps because it is a convenient format book, small, easy to carry in the bag ...

must have patience to read Perec. You have to taste the word at every turn, no rush, no noise, without expecting anything in the next row.

And so I read almost half the book. Luckily there was no hurry ...

"... for there a smart dog trainer installed with careful attention to its alfonbrillas, its staircase and the fragile platform whose top will gracefully their puppies to put on two legs count thirteen with the tail, beyond, jugglers, unicycles, cuddles, the organ, and beyond, a lone saxophone player improvising on My Funny Valentine ... "


How Long To Use Nupro Gold

From My Funny Valentine

the people affected.
Mario Benedetti
How do you know that there is time?

That one only has to look and pass.

Nobody lays down except life.

That life is lost without some rules.

That is not lost to open up.

That's not to love indiscriminately open up.

That is not forbidden to love.

you can also hate.

not hatred and love are affected.

That the aggression because yes, it hurts a lot.

That the wounds are closed.

That should not close doors.

That door is the greatest affection.

That affects
define us.

That is defined not swim against the current.

Not the stronger is the most expressive drawing.

That does not mean a balance to be lukewarm.

That involves opening words deny distances.

That encounter is very beautiful.

That sex is part of the beauty of life.

That part of sex life.

That "why" of children have a why.

we want to know someone is not just curiosity.

That to know everything is all unhealthy curiosity.

That is never more appreciated.

That determination is not doing it alone.

Nobody wants to be alone.

That is not to be alone to give.

That to
we had received earlier. That

to give us also have to know how to ask.

That know how to ask is not given away.

That gift is definitely do not want.

That to which we must show what we want. That

for someone to be there to help him.

That help is to encourage and support.

That flattery is not helping.

That flattery is as harmful as turning your face.

That things are honest face to face.

No one is honest because it does not steal.

That is not a thief stealing pleasure. That

when there is no pleasure in things you are not living. That

to feel life should not be forgotten that there is death.

What can be the living dead.

does it feel with the body and mind. That

with ears hear.

It costs to be sensitive and avoid injury.

That injury is not bleeding to death. That

not to be injured create walls.

who sows walls
That does not include anything.

That most of us are builders of walls.

You better
build bridges.

on them is going to the other side and turns.

That does not mean back again.

That may also be moving back.

Not much advance closer to the sun is dawning.

How you know that no set rules unless life?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sim 2 How To Get Boats For Pc


Occasionally it is good to an adult ADHD resumend lest we miss the basic idea of \u200b\u200bADHD in adults and therefore I put this summary of ADHD in adults

• Introduction

• Epidemiology

• Clinical manifestations of ADHD in adults

• Evolution of ADHD in adults

• Assessment of ADHD in adults

• Pharmacological treatment of ADHD in adults

• Psychological treatment of ADHD in adults

INTRODUCTION Since 1976 he has published several studies that have provided strong evi

trends about the validity of


diagnosis of ADHD in adults. Thus, both clinical correlates, family history, treatment response, laboratory studies, the course and evolution, supporting its validity in adults.

In adults with ADHD have abnormalities in the academic performance, ada

ptación the workplace, interpersonal relationships, problems in driving, as well as mental state and a high risk of substance abuse.


In adult population is less available epidemiological data, but studies also indicate that ADHD manifested in adults and more often highlighted. The results of these studies have found prevalence of ADHD between 4% and 5%. Currently in Spain have been diagnosed only 3% of adults with ADHD, and

n many primary care and psychiatry, many adults come to them and are treated pat

ologies such as anxiety, depression, abuse disorder substances, when really at the bottom of these pathology

comorbid ies are pictures of an undiagnosed adult ADHD.



From DSM-III (1980) means that the disorder can affect adults

. From DSM-III-R is formally described

the possibility of diagnosing ADHD in adults.

order to make a diagnosis of ADHD in an adult needs to estépresente disorder from childhood, from at least 7 years. The subject must continue to present a significant clinical disorder or impairment in more than two important areas of activity such as social work, labor, academic or familial. Adults with ADHD often manifest primarily symptoms of inattention and impulsivity, and that hyperactivity decreases with age.

Also, the symptoms of hyperactivity tend to have slightly different clinical manifestations found in children. For example, one of the symptoms of hyperactivity in children may be the run around, climb furniture steadily, whereas in adulthood the same symptoms manifested as a subjective feeling of restlessness. UNmotor it takes to be continually generating activities, is an endogenous activity that generates anxiety in the adult.


Overall, ADHD patients achieved a lower educational background (school failure in some cases) compared with control groups, even with similar levels of intelligence. Bilderman said to feed you with ADHD reach a notch below what your level of inteligiencia could obtain, for example a patient with ADHD with a coefficient of

intligencia sure you would get a higher level university degree, come to a diploma, and if able to take a high school diploma would take the top and so on. The studies report that people with ADHD have a worse job adaptation with respect to individuals without a discontinuity trastorno.presentando work, especially if your job is very specialized. The difficulties in social adaptation may persist in adults with ADHD, even worse, if one takes into account growing social demands that must be confronted in adulthood.

have been reported more difficulties in interpersonal relationships and, more specifically, in relationships. With a double-figure divorce than the general population in different publications have shown that the ability to drive vehicles can be found altered in ADHD, with serious consequences from a social point of view and personal.

Persistence of ADHD in adulthood, comorbid psychiatric disorders and substance abuse

In the review by Goldstein of studies on the evolution of ADHD in adulthood, the author concludes that 10 -20% of adults with ADHD experience history of minor problems, 60% continue to have symptoms of ADHD, and changes in social adjustment, academic and emotional problems clinically significant, and 10-30% develop problems associated with antisocial behavior to disturbances caused by ADHD and other comorbid disorders. As happens in childhood, the presence of other psychiatric disorders associated with ADHD is common in adults. It is considered that 70% of adults with ADHD have psychiatric comorbidity.

psiquiátricoscomórbidos disorders with ADHD in adults are similar to those found in childhood, with

the difference in the increased prevalence of drugs and the emergence of personality disorders. Of possible comorbid psychiatric disorders in adults with ADHD include drug addiction. Studies show that people with ADHD in childhood initiate substance use at an earlier age and that the evolution to an abuse or dependence is faster than in people without ADHD.


A standardized protocol should include a patient history, self-administered questionnaires of symptoms, neuropsychological performance and assessment of comorbid psychopathology. Will be followed by a list of those measures that are translated and / or validated in our environment. There are also structured interviews with this goal:

- Conners Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV (CAAD-Party II). Conners et al. 1999.

- Entrevista para TDAH

de Barkley. Barkley et al. 1998.

- ADHD Rating Scale-IV. DuPaul et al. 1998.

- ADHD Symptom

Rating Scale. Barkley et al. 1998.

- Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS). WHO and Workgroup on Adults ADHD: Adler, Kessler et Spencer, 2003.

- Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS). Conners et al. 1999.

- ADHD Screening Checklist.

- Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS). Ward et al. 1993, Rodríguez-Jiménez et al. 2001.

- ADHD Symptom Rating Scale. Barkley et al. 1998.


Psychodrugs used in the treatment of adult ADHD are the same as losutilizados in childhood ADHD. The best-studied drugs in adults are methylphenidate and atomoxetine.

efficacy of psychostimulants Of

different psychostimulants, we have controlled clinical trials have studied its efficacy in adults with ADHD in the case of immediate release methylphenidate and prolonged. You can also use modafinil. The meta-analysis on efficacy and safety of methylphenidate in adults with ADHD were included a total of 243 patients. Of these, 140 received methylphenidate, while 113 received placebo. The results showed that methylphenidate was more effective than placebo in the treatm

ent of ADHD, especially when the dose was equal to or greater than 0.9 mg / kg / day. Psychostimulants not only increase the risk of abuse or dependence substances, but it decreases in adulthood.

Effectiveness of psychostimulant drugs not

currently have controlled clinical trials and numerous non-stimulant drugs to treat ADHD in adults: atomoxetine, bupropion, tricyclic antidepressants, MAOIs , alpha-2 adrenergic agonists such as guanfacine and nicotinic drugs.


Psychoeducational Therapy

calls psychoeducational interventions can be used as therapies themselves, or as a component of a broader therapy (Murphy, 1998, Brown, 2000; Young, 2002). These interventions can be carried out under an individual or group format.


The most effective approach to treat ADHD in adults is the cognitive behavior therapy, both individual and group intervention (Brown, 2000;

McDermott, 2000; Young, 2002).

The results referenced in this consensus show that ADHD in adults is a clinically relevant. Following the disorder, patients experience significant changes that affect their quality of life. The current literature has provided sufficient evidence of the persistence of ADHD into adulthood. Therefore, we believe that identifying the disorder and appropriate treatment is critical.

Often women are diagnosed after having previously been his child, and when this happens it is easier to work voluntarily in treatment. Women are also more prone to autoculpación, hence, when they are diagnosed have a temporary euphoria to know that your problem has a name.

Many girls and women who have comorbid psychiatric disorders, particularly apathy, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and substance abuse, usually alcohol, which almost always hidden. For that reason, before prescribing a neurostimulator has had to discard a dependency. Women are more likely to focus on the responsibility of

keep house and raise children, but in this case is more important to conduct a regulated work hours and specific functions, since the home were less structure. Women with ADHD, its dynamism, can be a super busy mom. However, the greater the number of children more sources of distraction will have.


Adult patients with ADHD, they must be followed by a "COACH" O CAOCHING Ayue him to control his ADHD, to achieve their personal and working objeivos to leave himself and in defenitiva to control their ADHD.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cute Sayings On A Shirt For A Tanning Business

Methylphenidate significantly improves declarative memory performance of adults with ADHD

E No ADHD news blog attached to this, I have this news on the effect of treatment with methylphenidate in declarative memory, is that he is responsible for memories you data, life events, and information about our environment

adult ADHD in the declarative memory deficits are common in untreated adults with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but there is limited evidence to support the improvement after treatment with methylphenidate. In children with ADHD, it is the same, but when we children, we see only what we can measure, and treatment when we look at the effects that we can quantify, such as academic performance, the notes and do not appreciate that memory declarative, which is what really makes the child enjoys their environment, which really does not enjoy being dispersed by the lack of attention, with hyperactivity, and impulsivity and inattention improved with treatment.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Goldmfish White Bump On Head

order to achieve some emotional balance

In the statistics of visits to the blog I see that among the most viewed this as organizing time, best study tips from others, I see people seeking information in addition to information practice, which is why from time to time I will bring practical information who can help people already diagnosed with ADHD, which is why in this post attached a information or advice for

people ADHD, especially those suffering from hyperactive / impulsive, may have cam mood changes. In the adult is described, mood swings, and how it can affect the relationship. Stress on the other hand it generates the internal hyperactivity adult means being involved in many things at once, generating a background of anxiety and depression combined with the failures caused by industrial and peaks of euphoria generated by the stimuli attractive, make people with ADHD find it difficult to live with themselves. so I pass these tips that I found interesting on the net.

order to achieve some emotional balance, you can do the following:

  • Be understanding with yourself. Identify your changes r smoke and methods to manage , but do not waste time punishing. Instead, focus on learning to tolerate his temper and to find strategies to calm down. This can engage in any activity interactive, like a conversation with friends or a team sport.

  • Learn how to defend themselves. People with ADHD are used to being the butt of criticism and often feel unnecessarily guilty. Learn how to get rid of this attitude and to realize when others are wrong in their accusations.

  • When you feel nervous, take a break . When you are upset or overstimulated, take a break, walk away, calm down.

  • Leave a space for leisure and entertainment . It is essential to take some time in the week to recharge the batteries. You can do at home (taking a nap, watching TV or just meditating) or friends (doing some sports, going to movies, theater, or dining with friends ...).

  • Plan strategies to combat boredom . To do this, have developed a phone list of friends, a good book or a DVD. In this way, your mind will remain free
    of anxiety or nervousness caused by the tedium.

  • Fight the tendency to close a conflict or conversation prematurely. Otherwise, your impatience will limit you to find new points of view or ways of doing things. This advice is especially important for couples
  • Remember all your accomplishments no matter how small they are. Write them down in a notebook and check them periodically.

  • Join groups where you can understand and enjoy. No stay too long where it is not understood and appreciated.

  • Pay attention to the other . When someone talks to you, stop what you're doing and watch it, show your interest and who are listening.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Make A Guys Nose Thinner


Scientists are currently seeking and track the potential genetic factor or disease disorders in the scientific fashion has not escaped the ADHD, the ability of a genetic study to calculate the high stakes of having an ADHD child's future, It is important, especially if in the future we can not predict whether one will have ADHD or not, but it the hope is to go further and to act on the gene locus (area of \u200b\u200bthe gene) and modify it to avoid attention deficit disorder. Well but this in the future, and hopefully in the future in the short time space.

genetic studies of heritability of ADHD, are becoming more abundant. Heredibilidad already know that ADHD does not lie in a single gene but a combination of several genes, This talk that inheritance is polygenic , that involves several genes, which in turn, may be enhanced by environmental factors. The study of patients in adoption, has shown that environmental factors are less important than genetic, but as we said before, the environmental factors on genetic load are factors to consider as we shall see later.


know that if you Nemos a child with ADHD, the risk of having a parent ADHD is also 25% UB as can be observed in the study of Biderman's 1999 (see table

a) this means that two families with children with ADHD one in four parents have ADHD. This disorder ADHD affects first-degree relatives, ie parents and direct uncles (siblings of parents) more often as we said 25%. Faraone in school tells us that there is a range between two and eight times more frequent than the presence of ADHD in subjects with a family history of ADHD than subjects without family history.

Adult Children diagnosed with ADHD have 57% risk of having ADHD and siblings of children with ADHD have a risk of 15% according to studies by Biederman in 1995. Finally we say that a study of parents of children with ADHD presented a risk of 20 times more than the parents who have children with ADHD

The genetic correlation is the presence of the phenotypic trait usually in a pair of monozygotic twins, or a couple either individuals within a group where the trait being studied. A stricter definition is the probability that both members of a pair of twins have the feature when it is presented at a them.

pairs twin studies estimated the concordance rate of the appearance

emergence of a phenotypic trait, usually a disease, monozygotic twins, which helps determine how the disease is contributed by genetic load, and how much by environment. For ADHD matching the body 50 and 80% in twins (homozygous) and twins (dizygotic twins are not the same brothers among them) the matches this in 30 or 40% heritability in twins according Faraone this in 76%

Different studies give us the percentage heritability symptoms while taking into account separately

Inattention 79%

hyperactivity-impulsivity 88%

current genetic studies on ADHD arrives to the conclusion that there is a sun

or genetic factor, but the disorder is caused by a polygenic, say s that affect more than one area or "LOCUS" the gene to produce ADHD.

regard to environmental factors there are many studies correlating their presence with the onset of ADHD, as well between as seen in the table below we can see that the tab

aco, and great abuse during pregnancy, alcohol during pregnancy is an important factor

seen in infants with the syndrome we call fetal-alcohol syndrome , where the newly n

acid has some special features and low birth weight due to the abuse of alcohol during mother's pregnancy, the rate or frequency of aparcricion of ADHD in children has been evident.


been proven that ADHD is an inherited disease, which requires the appearance of several genes for their appearance (polygenic), environmental factors are not as important as genetic factors when assessing cause or etiology of the tie-deficit disorder

nción. It is important during pregnancy to follow the recommendation not to take any particularly toxic snuff, and relation to this alcohol abuse.

When ADHD is diagnosed in a child we formalize a study of siblings and the risk is 15% presence of ADHD and this is increased to a minimum match of 30% in fraternal twins and twins of 50%. And in relation to parents is also advisable to study the doctor to rule out ADHD, as studies tell us that one in four biological parents of children with ADHD have ADHD


Friday, October 22, 2010

Can You Mix Creatine With Superpump250

Motion of the Senate, a step

The Senate urges government to persons with ADHD pay less for their drugs and approved a motion to improve the quality of life for those affected by the disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, requesting a grant of medicines by the state More information on the ADHD news blog attached to this blog.


Brother Printer Status Monitor Shows Offline


Ringing Heaven
ice at dawn.
The swallow does not fly.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Precision Power 4800.2 Amp

FEAADA manifest in the third week DAH European Sensibility

Manifesto of the English Federation of Associations of Aid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on the occasion of the Third European Awareness Week TD AH.

occasion of the III European Week Awareness about ADHD the FEAADAH want to get to all of English society and public and private institutions concerned with this disorder the CONCLUSIONS OF THE LATIN AMERICAN NATIONAL ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER WITH OR WITHOUT HYPERACTIVITY held in Granada on 22-24 April , 2010 organized by the English Federation Assistance Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Association of Parents of hyperactive children and adolescents with behavioral disorders Ampache Granada.

scientific evidence

Experts meeting at the Congress considered necessary to transfer patients and their families public administrations and society in general the scientific evidence of the existence of attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, ADHD. We therefore must insist on explicit and forceful rejection of any speculation about the "invented" for ADHD.

the contrary, scientific evidence, proven in the international scientific community in numerous studies subject to appropriate scrutiny and control methodology and published in refereed journals, says that ADHD is a chronic disorder of neurological origin. It is the most studied disease psquiátrica in childhood and the second condition or more prevalent in this age (between 5% and 7% of children). ADHD, because of its chronic nature persists in a high percentage of those affected in adulthood (between 50% and 60% of those who have suffered in childhood and adolescence), while its prevalence among the adult population between 3% and 4%. Also important to note the high presence of other comorbid conditions or associated, in adulthood as in childhood and adolescence.

also considered necessary to go further in the description of the manifestations of the core symptoms of the disorder, adapted to the reality of personal and socio adults.

Diagnosis and Treatment multimodal

There is, according to studies presented, neither overdiagnosis and overmedication in relation to ADHD in Spain, without prejudice to the existence, as in all kinds of diseases, inadequate diagnoses. However attention should be drawn about the existence, according to indicators of prevalence, still very relevant percentage of children and adults not diagnosed and, therefore, deprived of receiving the treatment for the risks of this situation. ADHD is a clinical diagnosis and should be fully validated by a medical professional with appropriate training. The treatment of ADHD is multimodal character, combining the drug treatment, psychological support and teaching. It has also been demonstrated in the studies presented the effectiveness of this treatment in affected adults, adapted for your situation. In the case of drugs is evidence of the effectiveness of these drugs used in children, although with the obvious adjustments arising from differences in weight between children and adults.

Access to treatment
The high price of drugs, psychotherapy and psycho indicated in the treatment ADHD, is resulting in many people diagnosed do not have access to treatment. The situation is particularly serious in the current economic situation that is causing the most disadvantaged and needy families are suspended and can not access treatment, or even the drug. It is imperative that the government give urgent response to this situation. Specifically and for immediate adoption as its normative character is requested, based on the chronic nature of ADHD and strict sense of justice, including drugs used in the treatment of ADHD in the group of reduced contribution beneficiaries. It also highlights the need to provide greater financial and human resources units and psychoeducational psychotherapeutic treatment of this disorder.

Risk teens and adults

It shows evidence that a lack of proper diagnosis and treatment in childhood puts people affected with serious consequences in adolescence and age adult, such as failure and dropout and development of other disorders such as substance abuse and behavioral disorders that can lead, in severe cases, to commit criminal offenses. To prevent the occurrence of such serious consequences as personally and socially is required that the diagnosis is made at the earliest time possible and guarantee the right to adequate treatment.

protocols for coordinated action is evident

d and a sharp way the need for coordinated action by the authorities involved in the treatment and prevention of the occurrence of the consequences this disorder may be accompanied : Health, Education, Social Policy and Justice.

For the effectiveness of this coordination, experience shows that the most appropriate is the establish protocols that ensure this coordination and joint action.

Equal treatment
education educational
Spain Reality shows that there is unequal treatment of school children affected by ADHD within the educational system, depending on the Autonomous Community in which they are enrolled. Therefore, in this Congress highlights the need for education authorities guarantee the right to equality of all English students affected by ADHD, by the express recognition in the State Basic Law their needs specific support ades education, without prejudice to each Community Normatively autonomous guarantee to students of this area, this consideration.

The responsibility of families

An appropriate intervention for ADHD requires intense family involvement. To make this possible is imperative that families access to information and training enough about the disorder and its management, as well as economic and social support to ensure the treatment and access to relevant educational resources.

importance and necessity of associations

Congress highlights the importance of associative platforms as channels for different channel needs that still exist in families affected by ADHD, such as the need for training, awareness and progress for a better future in the family and social environment.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Church Welcome Packeage


New blog post of my patients with ADHD.

John is a friend of mine, an adult with ADHD, has a daughter with ADHD, through after that, he was diagnosed.
John as a good ADHD is a good confused. a friend always tells "John all you've got as good of Desperation" . The other day I told John, was traveling to his city at the entrance to the ring civil guard stopped him ..
...... the rest of the story, if you are interested you can find it in the blog attached to my patients with ADHD.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Drinking After Ativan

Desperation ADHD ADHD

The prevalence of ADHD in the general population as Bilderman studies, is in a 8 to 12% of children, likewise we know that 50% of children with ADHD child is present in adulthood. For this reason it is expected that adults have by 4.4 to 5% at least in adult patients. In Spain we have that 75% of children with ADHD are undiagnosed and in the case of adults the figure is higher by 97% being undiagnosed. We have also noted that most adults with ADHD reciendiagnosticados has been diagnosed after a child with ADHD.

risk factors for developing ADHD, this genetic load, in population studies as we can see the photo blog Biderman in 1990 stands at 25% the presence of ADHD in the parents children with ADHD, this means that out of four parents of children with ADHD disorder, a or they also presented. Recent genetic studies confirm this theory and previous studies.

Prognosis of ADHD children will depend on many factors, first place is in itself ADHD, a child with ADHD with a large component of impulse disorder and a major component of disorder negative. Oppositional along with a low average level of intelligence, have worse prognosis, but also we consider the patient's environment, a well-structured family with an early diagnosis and good adherence to pharmacological and psychological tramientos. Supporting the child from school and a family committed, reduce risks and coomórbidas pathology that may arise in the future, study confirmed the diagnosis and early treatment with stimulants, methylphenidate, reduces the risk of addiction, and is presented with the same frequency rate of drug abuse in the general population, for Instead it has been shown that patients with ADHD who have not taken the treatment, follow-up ten years the rate of drug abuse was twice as many patients with ADHD treated with methylphenidate and the general population eral, so which suggests that treatment with methylphenidate is not only not a risk but a high prevalence of substance abuse in children with ADHD, but instead has a protective effect.

According to the latest data of patients newly diagnosed adults with ADHD 20% have no symptoms or comorbidity. With regard to this consideration we must not forget that ADHD causes the patient fails to achieve 100% of their abilities, so for example in relation to the studies, patients with ADHD alcnacarían a level below that which could be achieved, for example if they were able to get a bachelor's come to get a diploma, and if he could take a high school diploma would get the top and so on.

The other 80% of patients newly diagnosed adults, 20% would be seriously affected, such as personality disorder with a large component oppositional and the other 60% presented other co morbid conditions associated with ADHD, such as anxiety, dysthymia, or depression or drug use. The latter have previously said the child diagnosed with ADHD and treated with methylphenidate, have a risk of consumption of drugs like the rest of the population.

ADHD in adults are not diagnosed or treated it will affect three areas that are in the family area, where we found a higher rate of marital separations, the cause of this can be an accumulation of misunderstandings , that are interpreted as "indifference" or lack of love, when you really are attention deficits, such as not remembering significant dates for the couple because of their poor management of time control or appointments. Likewise, the fata of organizational capacity can be interpreted as lack of cooperation in the duties and responsibilities at home, and without forgetting that patients with ADHD have a rough character with oscillations. Finally the couple also may be affected by ADHD not only one of them but may also affect when a child diagnosed with ADHD do not significantly affect the couple mostly when the blame of being poorly educated to know that the child is ADHD. To avoid affecting the couple is important to have an early diagnosis of ADHD both adult and children, and training that consists the attention deficit disorder, its clinical and psychological stimulants and combination therapy.

Another area that is affected in untreated adult is working, impulsivity, hyperactivity with him will lead to a continuous search for change, new sensations leading to a change of position work, thereby affecting the relationship especially if it involves a change of address or location of housing family in addition to the economic insecurity of not having a steady job or discontinuous, but this case is by change the worker.
The other area that is affected is the personal, with all those processes associated with ADHD such as depression or dysthymia and anxiety.


Little defers to the child, the pharmacological treatment of choice is the first choice methylphenidate and atomoxetine as election followed, and is currently the first choice also including atomoxetine ka.
In adults diagnosed late, we must treat co morbid conditions such as dysthymia or depression, anxiety, when they are present. When presented dual pathology, ADHD is YOUR drug abuse, treatment with methylphenidate or atomoxetine always be used to equalize their chances of relapse prevention and drug exit as another addict patient who does not have ADHD.

Couching The primary care diabetic minimum follow-up according to protocol, is at least two complete blood and urine study of glycated hemoglobin, every six months in all patients that well controlled in the same way in a patient with ADHD guess would be followed up every three or six months with a couching, where he follows the patient to guide, monitor and take their adherence to treatment, as it uses its resources to minimize the effects ADHD child who suffers. Finally we do not have a negative vision of the future of adults with ADHD, since as we have seen an early diagnosis and the trtamietno adeherncia buiena cloinica minimize the associated diseases and makes a good coaching to achieve the patient reaches the maximum possibilities.
1 º ADHD is inherited one in four parents is when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, we must consider whether either parent has it too.
2 The diagnosis and treatment in children, prevent or minimize comorbidities in adults with ADHD.
3 In adults with ADHD, not ADHD affects the family area, with more ruputuras matrimonianes (doubling the number of separations) affects the area work with discontinuidd and personal area affected, with comorbidities among which we cite as anxiety, dysthymia, or depression, personality disorder and use of toxic, these comorbidities puenden reduce or cancel and leave a rate in the general population, if we have an early diagnosis and treatment in children with ADHD
4 The treatment in adults is the same as the child with ADHD, atomoxetine or methylphenidate as a first choice, with combination therapy the piscologo. Finally the coaching, and counseling or monitoring is necessary in adults with a follow up at least two or three times a year.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What To Wear Under Sauna Suit


During the week of 3 to October 10, 2010 is celebrated throughout Spain the third European Week of Awareness about ADHD, driven by the Association for AD / HD EUROPE, organization founded in 2008 that brings together all the associations and federations of people affected by Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or AD / HD) in Europe

European Awareness Weeks are events held annually during the first week of October, to conclude with a manifesto, and organizing the various associations involved in policy areas under a common theme chosen by the association AD / HD EUROPE.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can You Cure Ptosis Naturally


attached on In the blog I will tell my patients this story of a patient with ADHD
The first time we met Raul and I was in a medical consultation of Man Project, of which I am a volunteer medical aide in the interview her mother was also present
Ana Ana is a mother, those we call "Mother Courage", v beyond where they launch their son Raul. They are Asturias, she has large eyes and short black hair handsome, observant, and above all very safe. In the first interview
medical Ana began to tell the reason to go to project man, while Raul, his head nodding all that she was telling. We had not been a long time when increasingly to interventions Raúl, corrections to his mother, who were gradually becoming more frequent and more disruptive, since many times their interventions contributed nothing, but rather was to finish the sentence of his mother, who, incidentally was interrupted by his son. Suddenly in the middle of a medical consultation tone Raúl interventions were stronger, and why not more aggressive until a time came to ask his mother to leave the consultation, she with her big black eyes filled with tears, after my suggestion to access the request of Raul, and a sign of affection, compression, I got up while I accompanied her and Ana to the door of the consultation, giving a small shock, as am period compression in left forearm, and she left the consultation.
then I pointed out to Raul, the merit of his mother, that mother courage, as Pantoja's mother accompanied him throughout the English geography, landing in these parts of the south. We continued with good harmony until the first medical interview.

To see more go to the blog of my patients.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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aggressive ADHD children may not need
antipsychotic drugs, study suggests that with proper adjustment of stimulant medication plus psychotherapy may be sufficient

More kids with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) who have aggressive behavior and tractorno oposionista, receive medication in addition antipsicópticos stimulants to help control his outbursts

The correct and agreed tratamietno controls the aggressiveness of the child and adjust the disorder oposionista large extent this is important because if not controlled in the adult produces trastonos comorbidity of personality that asician ADHD in adults

More information on the news blog